More boat

[Thank you Lauren for updated pictures!]

Our neighbors Tim and Lauren sold their house and recently bought a sailboat to cruise and liveaboard (our dream)! We made an impromptu visit to the boatyard, where they were working to get it ready for the water. Tig helped out for a little bit.

It was one of those special days I want to remember:

V saying “boat all done” when we first got on. By the time we left, she was saying “more boat.”

Hanging out on the beach throwing rocks and seashells. V eating blackberries and shuddering with delight because they were sour.

Dinner of roast chicken, cornbread and greens from our garden, eaten on our front porch.

Walking down the street after dinner to listen to our bluegrass musician neighbor riff on his guitar.

And going over the day with V before sleeping. We talked about the boat, the seashells and the beach. V saying, “thank you mama.” That’s the amazing thing about her. She doesn’t just thank us for simple favors such as bringing her snacks, she sometimes thanks us for experiences and memories. If only I could savor this moment of gratitude forever.